Deciding on the Best Solar Panel System for your RV

RV Solar Panels
Shopping for RV solar systems can be a drag if you don't have the right knowledge on what you will need for your situation. Solar panel mounting tends to be difficult if you've never done it before but we're here to help you along every step of the way.
Steps to deciding on the right solar system for Rv's
1) Decide what kind or RVer you are
First off, you will need to categorize your RV usage - that is, are you a full-timer? Or are you someone who just gets away for the weekends? If you fall in either of these categories, you'll want to really do the math before investing in a solar panel system. But if you're someone who tends to go away off the grid for extended periods of times but you're not a full-timer, then you should consider one of our solar electric systems. Why is this the most likely scenario where your investment will really pay off? Because the weekend warrior will always have enough battery to get through the weekend. And full-timers will most always find somewhere to doc where power is supplied at the RV park, and you're going to end up paying for that electricity anyway with your park fees. Same goes for marine solar, you need to ask yourself whether you'll have shore power or if you'll be spending extended periods on the water without a generator.
2) Decide how much solar power you will need
Electricity consumption differs from user to user. For example, if you have a larger RV with a microwave, TV, lighting, water pumps and electrical hookups for other devices, you'll need a different RV solar kit than someone who has a smaller RV that needs to run less lighting and perhaps only a water pump. So figure out how much power you'll consume in (example, 4 hours of TV might take 600 watts/hours per day, lighting = 350, refrigerator = 5,000). Then you'll need to know how much storage or battery capacity you'll need on board. From there, you'll be able to back into the numbers and get the proper setup.
An example might be needing to generate 2,000 watts per day so a nice 400 watt system would be the perfect system for someone who needed to power enough to use for that day on into the evening. Of course if you travel when you know you won't have full days of sun and some cloudy days, you'll probably want to increase the capacity for charging. It won't be too long that you'll break even after looking at a gasoline powered generator running to generate that kind of power, not to mention the impact on the environment.
3) Decide on the RV solar system or Marine system you'll need
Based on the few tips above, we'd love to help you decide on exactly what you need. Just give us a call and we'll gather your requirements and help you find the perfect, tailored solution to your portable solar panel needs.
- Dan Baldwin